News & Stories

News & Stories
SWHR helps patients stay on track with taking medications

Despite the potential for adverse health effects, about 50% of patients don’t take their medications as prescribed, according…

Chrisette Dharma, MD
In her words: Chrisette Dharma, MD

Being a physician is more than simply treating the sick. It's about creating a bond of trust between the person providing care…

medically tailored meals
Medically tailored meals provide healthy nutrition for the food insecure

Frank is struggling to pay for his home and the medications he needs for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), a…

Image card of Allison Stankey
Allison Stankey: leading with empathy

Full-time physician relationship manager (PRM) and part-time stage actress, Allison Stankey brings a range of emotions to her…