News & Stories

News & Stories
AMA/AHA logo image
SWHR earns national recognition for commitment to improving cardiovascular health

Southwestern Health Resources (SWHR) received national awards from the American Heart Association (AHA) and American Medical…

Image card of Heidi Chanthamany
Heidi Chanthamany: building community, embracing diversity

As a first-generation Cuban American growing up in Miami, Heidi Chanthamany found doctors in her neighborhood were well-versed…

Older white couple relaxing on the couch
Manage stress to lower blood pressure

You can learn to cope with stress in healthy ways. Better stress management can help you control hypertension.

Young Black man reading food label at grocery store
Managing hypertension with food

Focus on small, heart-healthy changes to your eating plan, and you can make a positive difference in your health.